Wednesday 25 January 2012

Why Do Older Men Date Younger Women?

"Why is it that middle-aged geezers want to date 20-year-olds?". "There are many attractive, sexually active women in their 50s and beyond who would make great mates."
Older men date younger women for many reasons. But one thing's for certain: Most of these relationships won't last. Here's why
1. Fantasy love fades. Usually within a year. At first, the geezer is in love with her looks and youthful spirit. Eventually, he realizes all they have in common is a roof over their heads, and he'll be off to look for a relationship with substance.

2. Geezers may feel younger, but dating younger women won't make them younger. No matter how hard older men try to make the wrinkles disappear, the darn things keep showing up in the mirror.

3. Older men and younger women use each other, similar to a business arrangement. He's got money, assets, power, and security; she's got youth and beauty. If the money runs out, or someone richer comes along, she'll break the lease, leaving him with an empty wallet and his arms around a tree.

4. OK, maybe she's not using him. Perhaps she loves him because he's more patient, laid back, mature, gentle, and understanding than men her age. Still, she's likely considered his bucks at some point. I mean, you don't see younger women with destitute older men, do you?

5. Different energy levels. At 10 p.m., he's wearing pajamas and falling asleep with a book in his hands and glasses on his nose. She's got on her dancing duds and is heading for the clubs. If he doesn't keep up, she might seek someone younger who's able to meet her needs.

6. Different maturity levels. He's got maturity and knowledge that come only from living through years and experience. Bob Russell, a retiree in Phoenix said, "I took a younger woman to a movie. When I mentioned that the actor looked like Humphrey Bogart, she looked at me sweetly and said, 'Who is Humphrey Bogart?' After that, I dated women my own age."

7. Common goals and interests. He wants a golf cart to drive around the retirement community. She wants a Corvette with chrome wheels, and she's opening a flower shop with her girlfriend that requires working 60 hours a week.

8. Lifestyles differ. Take children, for example. "I have two men friends in their late 50s who not only married younger women, but have conceived new babies. Imagine her, years from now, buying 'Depends' for him, and 'Pampers' for the babies. Not to mention the antidepressants for herself attempting to manage the two".
9. Stand by your man? Younger women may not stand by their older guys through the inevitable hard times that accompany growing old. And while pursuing younger women, guys miss out on meeting someone older who would have been there for them.

10. Health issues. Two women reported they had enjoyed wonderful relationships with their husbands who were 15 years older. But both women were widowed in their 50s. Either party can get sick, but the chances of a younger woman becoming a widow are considerably greater than an older man becoming a widower.
There are exceptions, of course, and couples with an age gap can have wonderful relationships. It's how closely they think together that matters.
There will always be older men who want to date younger women. Most will discover that those relationships don't last. And a few will come to their senses and seek women closer to their own age who share common goals, interests and energy levels. But they'll have to learn for themselves.

Why do some Older Women date or marry Younger Men

Reasons why Older Women prefer Younger Men

Older women dating or marrying younger men is no longer looked with awe.I have seen many couples where the woman is older. The society has given relationships where older women dating younger men the name Cougar Dating which I think is very unkind and mean. When guys can date women who are old enough to be their daughters why can’t women do so? Isn’t this Hypocrisy or Double Standards?
What are the reasons why some older women prefer younger men? The reason may be any of the following.

1) May be its Love: Who said an Older Women cannot fall in love with a younger man? After all, Love can happen to anyone at any time and it even makes people do strange things.

2) Not every Woman want a father figure: Often a man who is older assumes a protective and paternal role which is a major turn off to many women. Many women like to take care of themselves, speak on their own behalf and even paying their own way without the help. Many of them find their match in younger men.

3) Younger men are often better in bed: It is said that guys reach their sexual peak between the ages of 18 and 25 whereas women tend to reach their sexual peak mostly around ages 35-45. Older men mostly get disinterested or less eager in bed with time whereas younger men are eager and more satisfying in bed.

4) Younger Men are more encouraging: Younger guys are charmed by the maturity or accomplishments of Older Women and tend to admire or appreciate women who are successful. And every woman likes Compliments.

5) Younger guys are more open minded and older women find them a breath of fresh air.

6) Guys in their prime are physically attractive: Younger men with tight bodies, bright eyes, great smiles is a better catch as a romantic partner compared to a middle-aged men who are going through physical changes like balding, wrinkles or love handles.

7) To prove they can: Many Older Women get into affairs with younger men because they want to prove to themselves or others that they have the power to attract someone younger. An Older woman may feel devalued and degraded when she does not get the attention from her spouse after child bearing or several years of marriage that she feels the need to prove that she is desirable.

8) Girls just want to have fun: Many Older Women are young at heart and desire to have some fun like long drives, partying, trekking or staying out all night and find a willing partner in a younger man.

9)To feel younger: Younger men make Older Women feel younger. This is a natural response. Sometimes older men tend to slow down a bit too early for some women. Many Women feel their own youth disappearing as they enter middle age and are try to recapture it through younger men and experience the fun, excitement and vitality that they felt when they were young. Moreover, Modern Women hate to be branded as older especially when more and more women seem to be looking better in their forties and fifties.

10) Ego Boost: Dating or marrying a younger man is an ego boost especially to someone ignored or dumped by husband for a younger woman.

11) To Nurture and Dictate:Many Women want someone she can nurture or dictate. Especially women who lost their spouses to death or divorce and who have been accustomed to having someone to take care of for years and suddenly find themselves with no one to care for but themselves finds a good match in younger men. Such men also help to satisfy the mothering instinct in women.

12) Younger Men are forbidden fruit: The society is not very encouraging when it comes to older women younger men relationships. It is a normal tendency of people to rebel or go after what is ‘forbidden’
Finally, it is also said that Women usually live an average of ten years longer than men. So hooking up with a man ten years younger makes perfect sense. For whatever reason some women prefer men who are younger than themselves I think it is their own business. Age difference also should not be criteria to those who mutually respect and enjoy each others company. If an older woman and a younger man feel comfortable having a relationship then no one has the right to criticize them.